Hello there! My name is




I am a Full-Stack Developer with a focus on elegant and functional code.


Bachelor of Science in Computing Security

Rochester Institute of Technology

Associate Degree in Science

Monroe Community College

Professional Experience:

Full-Stack Developer, FedEx Services
January 2023  –  Present
Some placeholder content for the collapse component. This panel is hidden by default but revealed when the user activates the relevant trigger.
Network Automation Intern, FedEx Services
June 2022  –  August 2022
  • Developed Ansible Scripts to automatically gather and compare configuration information of network devices before and after remediation.
  • Created a Python script to ensure that ensured that network devices did not have any open incidents before remediation.
  • Created a Python script to save and revert the status of network device interfaces after a remediation occurs to insure proper functionality.
  • Presented all three finished application to a board of executives.
Network Assurance Intern, FedEx Services
June 2021  –  August 2021
  • Led a group of Interns to develop a Python application by managing daily stand-ups, code reviews, and peer programming sessions to assure the quality and security of the project.
  • Created a web-server to send/receive requests via Prometheus and Twillio quickly alert engineers if an outage occurred.
  • Used Docker and Python to make a test environment for the web-server to improve efficiency in deployment speed.
  • Presented finished application to a board of executives.



Easily view passages from the Bible directly from a terminal using curl! Responses rendered with ANSI Escape codes.

  • Read the README here.
  • Read the write-up.
  • Or try it for your self!
    curl bible.ricotta.dev